colin h: chs class of 2023 senior
Ok, friends, buckle up. This is going to be a long one.
It’s not often that I get to write about a session that involves one of my own children. In fact, it’s only happened once before. And since I only have two children, it quickly becomes obvious that this will be my last time to post about one of my own children’s senior sessions.
So, I’m going all out.
Let me start by saying that one of my children loves photo sessions and one of them does not. When dealing with the one who dislikes them, a parent has to get creative.
When his sister was a senior, I would joke with him about when his time came for his senior session. His response was always, “Yeah, I’m not doing that.”
But, his mom was ready.
The way to my boy’s heart is through sports, and there are few places in this world he’d rather be than Busch Stadium. While basketball will always be his favorite sport, he’s often said that there’s nothing like sitting in the stadium for a baseball game.
And of course, he’s right. (Unless it’s a hot day, at which point I argue there’s not greater torture than sitting in the stadium for a baseball game.)
For four years we spoke about his senior session and at the close of his junior year, he was still on board with portraits at the stadium. We chose a date in September while the team was on a trip out west and the stadium was available.
A member of the Cardinals office staff meets you at the entrance to the stadium and walks you around as you take your portraits. We were able to walk around on the warning track, the stands, and the dugout, which ended up being just perfect for what we needed.
Knowing your client is important, and luckily, I know this guy pretty well. I knew that a more casual session was going to suit him better than me micromanaging every single photo. I’m glad we went this route because I got a ton of photos that showcase Colin as well as the expressions I’ve been seeing on his face for eighteen years.
We battled it out a bit when it came to his outfit, he thought it was pointless to style his hair, and he refused to shave, but I can’t image it could be possible for me to have gotten photos that were more “Colin” than we got that day.