back to school with the chp reps!
Picture it…Carlinville, August 2022.
The surface of the sun is now firmly positioned in the heart of our community, and I’ve scheduled a back to school session with my reps.
Do I cancel? Do we go ahead with it and melt our faces off?
It was a question I rolled around in my head for days while hoping that the local meteorologists would see fit to change the forecast. Keeping my fingers crossed, I hoped they would get rid of their 100+ degree predictions and change it to 70 degrees with a gentle breeze and light cloud cover.
Sadly, that didn’t happen.
The day arrived and it was a true summer scorcher.
I figured it couldn’t possibly be that bad to do a session in this heat. We’d find shade and I’d work quickly and get everyone out of the heat and into the refreshing cool of their air conditioned cars.
I was very, very wrong.
I pulled up to the high school and it was as if shade was no longer a thing and didn’t exist anymore. Even though it was the evening, bright and harsh sun shined almost everywhere I looked. Full sun doesn’t scare me, but photographing in full sun requires a bit more gear, a bit more concentration, and is a slower go than photographing in perfect light. It wouldn’t be a big deal if I was working with one client.
But not ideal with a team that you want to photograph before they start dropping like flies.
So, we ran for any little bit of shade we could find and did the best we could. CHS is normally one of my favorite places for sessions but that night, it was my nemesis. It was my Thanos, my Voldemort, my Moriarty. Since we were already roasting, I decided tonight wasn’t the night for an epic showdown against the sun, I was just going to make it work and do what we could.
I think in the end, we did just fine.
While I hate when everyone goes back to school, I look forward to our back to school photoshoot every year. And even though I complained repeatedly throughout the whole session, I look forward to doing it again…hopefully in temperatures fit for mankind.