cap & gown: mia and Caroline

The spring cap and gown sessions continue with another super windy session, this time for CHS Class of 2022 seniors (and current college students) Mia and Caroline.

On this Friday evening, we were literally hiding from the wind. We were searching for any bit of the building that could offer us a bit of protection from the massive wind gusts that were slamming into us.

These two have been super close friends their whole lives. They started preschool together as friends and nothing has changed since. Now, they’ve embarked on college states apart from each other, but I’m sure they’ll still find ways to hang out together when they both come home for visits.

For cap and gown sessions, I usually encourage seniors to either wear something dressy, like they’re dressed for graduation, or to wear a t-shirt from the college they’ll be attending. Mia and Caroline chose to do a few photos in their dressier outfits and a few photos in their college tees.

Caroline wearing her shirt from Mississippi State University:

And Mia showing her Redbird pride with an Illinois State University shirt:

(Fun fact: the Future Redbird sign was sadly a victim to the strong winds and was last seen soaring down East Main Street towards the square.)

And finally, Mia chose to have a few photos with her Mickey ears because the girl is a huge Disney fan…a subject near and dear to my heart, too!


cap and gown: Briana S


cap & gown sessions: Maggie N