Let’s make your session unique.
Are you a senior in high school with a future that’s open wide? Are you a mom or dad who doesn’t want to miss documenting your growing family? Are you a business owner who wants to project confidence with a professional headshot?
I can help.
senior year.
It only happens once. Your childhood is coming to a close and soon, a new set of responsibilities and adventures will be in front of you. Don’t miss the chance to document these last carefree days of youth and all of the exciting things that come along with it. Together, let’s figure out how we can give you a senior portrait session that represents you and where you are in your life right now.
Are you overdue for family portraits but just can’t bring yourself to book a session? I know. I’ve been there. It’s so much work and who knows how the kids will behave? Will they refuse to smile? Will they refuse to participate? Will it be money well spent? These worries that keep you from booking aren’t worries you need to have here. We’re going to get through this together and produce beautiful images that will make you smile for years to come.

oh hey. I’m Carrie. I freeze moments in time. What’s your superpower?

your portraits deserve a better home than your computer.
Every CHP package (excluding mini sessions) comes with heirloom quality print products that you’ll be able to keep for generations..